
What is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

Full coverage auto insurance gives you comprehensive protection for your vehicle. It includes:


In short, full coverage auto insurance helps ensure you’re protected financially in almost any situation. The more coverage you have, the less out-of-pocket costs you’ll incur if an accident happens. Premiums will be higher, but for many drivers the peace of mind is worth it.

Review coverages annually and adjust as needed based on the current value of your vehicle. Full coverage auto insurance gives you security and flexibility so you can hit the road with confidence.

Types of Coverage Included in Full Coverage

The major types of coverage in a full coverage policy include:


1. Liability Coverage

Liability coverage protects you financially if you’re found at fault in an accident that causes injury or damage to someone else or their vehicle. It covers both bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This is the minimum coverage required by law, but full coverage provides higher limits of protection.

2. Collision Coverage

Collision coverage protects you if your vehicle is damaged in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. It covers the costs to repair or replace your vehicle. While collision coverage is optional, it’s important to have if your vehicle is newer or still has an outstanding loan or lease balance.

3. Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage, also known as “other than collision” coverage, protects your vehicle from damage due to events like theft, vandalism, flooding, fire, falling objects, and animal collisions. Like collision coverage, comprehensive coverage is optional but important if your vehicle has a lien holder or is newer.

4. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage protects you if you’re in an accident caused by a driver with no auto insurance. Underinsured motorist coverage applies if the other driver’s coverage limits aren’t high enough to pay for your damages. This coverage is optional but provides protection in case of irresponsible motorists.


Benefits of Having Full Coverage Car Insurance

Having full coverage auto insurance provides several key benefits.

1. Peace of Mind

With full coverage insurance, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing any accidents or unforeseen events are covered. Comprehensive and collision coverage protect you financially in case of an accident, theft, vandalism, or natural disaster. Without this coverage, you’d be on the hook for potentially thousands of dollars in repair or replacement costs.

Most states require drivers to carry a minimum amount of liability coverage to pay for damages to the other driver’s vehicle in an accident you cause. Full coverage insurance satisfies these legal obligations and helps avoid penalties for driving without insurance.

3. Protect Your Investment

For most people, a vehicle is one of the largest purchases they’ll make after a home. Full coverage insurance helps ensure your investment is protected from unforeseen circumstances outside of your control. Whether you have a brand new car or one a few years old, full coverage provides financial protection for the value of your vehicle.

4. Lower Interest Rates

If you have a car loan or lease, full coverage insurance may help you get a lower interest rate. Lenders view full coverage as lower risk since their asset (your vehicle) will be fully insured. They may offer a discounted rate as an incentive for you to take out a policy that fully protects their collateral.

When Full Coverage Auto Insurance Makes Sense

Full coverage auto insurance is a good idea if you have a newer vehicle, especially if you’re still paying it off. Newer cars lose a lot of value quickly after purchase, so full coverage protects your investment.

Full coverage also provides peace of mind. Without it, you’re on the hook for potentially thousands of dollars if your vehicle is damaged or totaled. For many drivers, the extra cost of full coverage is worth the financial security and protection.

If your vehicle is older but still valuable, full coverage can also make sense. While an older car may have a lower market value, you still want to avoid costly repair or replacement bills. Evaluate the current value of your vehicle versus the cost to insure it to determine if full coverage is worthwhile.

On the other hand, if you own an older car outright that isn’t worth much, the additional cost of full coverage probably isn’t worth it. In this case, dropping full coverage in favor of liability only insurance can save you money each month.

As with any insurance decision, consider your needs and financial situation. Full coverage provides the maximum protection but at a higher cost. Determine how much risk you’re comfortable with and how much you can afford to pay for your auto insurance. Shop around at different companies to find the best value and the coverage that fits your unique requirements.

How to Get the Best Rate on Full Coverage Insurance

Getting the best rate on full coverage auto insurance requires a bit of work on your part, which includes;

1. Compare quotes from different companies

The single most important thing you can do is compare quotes from different insurance providers. Rates can vary significantly between companies for the exact same coverage. Get quotes from at least 3-4 companies to find the best deal. Compare not just premiums but also each company’s customer satisfaction ratings and financial stability.

2. Raise your deductibles

One easy way to lower your premiums is to raise your deductibles. The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. The higher your deductibles, the less risk for the insurance company and the lower your rates. Just make sure you can afford the deductibles in case of a claim.

3. Drop unnecessary coverage

Review your policy and see if there are any coverages you’re paying for that you don’t need. Things like towing, rental car reimbursement or roadside assistance can often be dropped to save money if you have coverage for them elsewhere. However, never drop liability, collision or comprehensive coverage.

4. Improve your credit score

In many states, your credit score affects your auto insurance rates. Insurance companies see people with good credit as less risky to insure. Check your credit report for any errors and work to improve your score over time by paying bills on time and limiting new credit applications. Even a small score increase can help lower your premiums.

5. Consider bundling policies

If you have homeowners, renters or life insurance, you may be able to bundle them together with your auto policy for a lower overall rate. Bundling multiple policies together makes you a more valued customer to the insurance company, so they’re often willing to offer discounts and better rates. Make sure any bundled policies also meet your coverage needs before switching.


Following these steps and putting in the effort to find the best full coverage auto insurance for your needs can really pay off. With some research and patience, you’ll be driving around insured at the best rate possible.

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